WWRF, in collaboration with CSIR, one of the leading African research institutes, is organizing its 40th Forum meeting on “5G and Broadband connectivity for All”. The fifth generation (5G) mobile communications standard is expected to profoundly transform the ICT and telecommunications landscape globally. Research, requirement analysis and initial standardization work towards the 5th generation of cellular systems have now been under way for a few years.
However, voices are being raised that the use cases and contextual attributes that underpin the initial 5G research and standardization cater mostly to societies in developed economies. Questions then arise on the impact of the 5th Generation of wireless standards to improve broadband connectivity of underserved regions globally.
WWRF Welcome
Dr Nigel Jefferies, Chair WWRF
CSIR Welcome
Dr Ntsibane Ntlatlapa, CSIR
5G R&D Initiatives in Africa
Mr Wellington Ngwepe, CEO of ICASA presented by Paris Mashile
Broadband for All & 5G: Oxymoron or Complementary
Professor S. Maharaj (University of Pretoria) and Dr F. Mekuria (CSIR)
European 5GPPP Initiative
Dr Hendrik Berndt, Vice Chair WWRF EMEA
5G System Simulator
Dr Lee HyeonWoo on behalf of Prof Youngnam Han, KAIST
5G Testbed, Internet for All, WOANS.
Digital Signal Processing & Artificial Intelligence in Telecoms?
Prof. Bheki Twala, University of South Africa
Affordable Broadband & Use cases in 5G
Z. Du Toit, CSIR
Exploring the Factors That Affect Personal Information Disclosure on Social Media
Dr. Joseph Kwame Adjei, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana
Millenials in India and Russia
Prof. Knud-Erik Skouby, Aalborg University, Denmark
5G & GDPR – Impact on Business Models
Prof. Knud-Erik Skouby, Aalborg University, Denmark
Security in 5G verticals
Prof. Knud-Erik Skouby, Aalborg University, Denmark
Spectrum Sharing for 5G & Broadband for All
Gcina Dludla, Luzango Mfupe, Fisseha Mekuria, University of Pretoria , South Africa
Dimantling Barriers to Hyperdense Network Deployments for 5G: Study Perspectives from Global5G.org Project
Edward Mutafungwa, Aalto University, Finland
Machine-Learning-Based Base Station Association for Resource Allocation in 5G Heterogeneous Networks
M.M. Sande, University of Pretoria , South Africa
New PHY/MAC techniques in the upcoming IEEE 802.11ay mmWave Wi-Fi standard
Alexander Maltsev, Intel, US
Recent work on Massive MIMO
Seshadri Mohan, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, US
ITRI’s recent research work on Radio Communication Technologies for 5G and beyond
Ching-Tarng Hsieh, ITRI, Taiwan
5G K-Simulator & 5G Device Test bench
Prof. Lee HyeonWoo, DanKooK University, Prof. Han YoungNam KAIST
ITRI’s ITU Eval Group vision/plans
Ching-Tarng Hsieh, ITRI, Taiwan
Update on the IMT-2020 standardization process
Sergio Buonomo, Study Group Department, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau
5G: Shaping the Future of 4IR
Prof. Twala, University of South Africa
Generation Vehicular Communication: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
Sachin Sharma, Seshadri Mohan
5G security challenges and solutions
Marcus Wong, Huawei Technologies
Nigel Jefferies, Chair of WWRF