

In addition to our main meetings, we run a series of workshops and other events on specific themes and topics, sometimes as part of other major events and conferences.

WWRF Huddle 2024 Workshops (NEW)

Tuesday 16th April 

0900    6G Strategy for WWRF    Hendrik Berndt  (WWRF members only)
1400  e-health Rehan Usman

Friday 19th April

0900Integrated Sensing and Communication Dr Angeliki Alexiou /Sudhir Dixit
1400  Connect vehicles and AI for 6G       Seshadri Mohan


25th November 2022 - CMI/ WWRF workshop on Privacy, Security and Business Modelling in Future Connected Systems

CMI/ WWRF workshop on : Privacy, Security and Business Modelling in Future Connected Systems

The huge potential in future connected services has as a precondition that privacy and security needs are dealt with in order for new services to be accepted. This is in particular an issue with private data and sharing of private data – both at company and at individual level.

In the EU, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been introduced with the aim to protect citizens’ right to privacy. The focus of the GDPR is to build and increase trust in EU citizens in using digital services by providing trustworthy infrastructure supported by regulation.

The implementation of the GDPR still leaves several challenges. This workshop will address issues in relation to industry verticals and future connected services, e.g., privacy and security by design and data centric business models.

The workshop provides a platform for academia, industry and government organizations to discuss technical and regulatory solutions to privacy and security as well as user’ right to privacy with regards to collection, retention, analysis and transfer of personal data.

Papers and presentations relate to the following research areas:

• Security/privacy – Design and implementation of novel Privacy Enhancing Tools (PET) to provide users with the functionality they require without exposing any more information than necessary, and without losing control over their data, to any third parties. In order to realize that, security mechanisms like attribute based encryption, and authentication mechanisms are also part of the research.

• Economics/ privacy – Realizing user centric and data centric 5G technologies based on user trust in data privacy further requires viable business models. Today personal data has become an economic asset belonging to the service providers whose business case often includes and is dependent on the use and selling of such data to third parties. This type of business case is increasingly disputed both from a privacy and from an economic ownership perspective.


Organizing Committee:

Samant Khajuria, Senior Specialist, Cyber Security, Terma

Peter Lindgren, Professor, Aarhus University,

Knud Erik Skouby, Professor emeritus, Aalborg University, CMI

Lene Sørensen, Associate Professor, Aalborg University, CMI


Date: 25 November 2022


Venue: Aalborg University, Copenhagen



It will be possible to join online (Link – TBA); online participation FREE for WWRF-members – pls register to [email protected]

otherwise register at

Workshop Fee 50€ (incl coffees and lunch)

Conference dinner, Tivoli 50€ (optional)

12th May 2022 - Impact of 5G and Beyond on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

The Wireless World Research Forum ( is proud to announce that, in conjunction with our 8th Huddle event on May 10th & 11th, 2022 (, we are holding the Workshop, Impact of 5G and Beyond on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, organized by our Connected Vehicles Working Group. This event will take place in Ottawa, Canada on 12th May 2022. Further details, and information on how to register, will be made available on the WWRF website.


The field of connected vehicles stands at the confluence of three evolving disciplines – the Internet of Things (IoT), emerging standards for connectivity of vehicles, and AI/machine learning. The number of connected IoT devices is forecast to grow from 9.5 billion devices in 2019 to 55 billion connected devices, according to more optimistic assessments. Consequently, applications of IoT devices have rapidly expanded to integrate intelligent sensing and processing along with smart applications of the technology into various fields such as smart homes, smart appliances, enterprises, smart transportation including connected vehicles, smart cities, agriculture, energy, security, healthcare, shopping, location-based services including tracking and other similar fields. The exponential growth of IoT is transforming the quality of living of human beings around the globe.

Fueling the growth in the evolution of vehicles towards total automation is the development of novel sensors, 3D cameras, lidar and radar and their ability to connect to the Internet and upload the data to a cloud. The sensors on an autonomous vehicle collect anywhere from 1.4 to 19 TB of data per hour. Whether or not the vehicles are autonomous, one of the key features of connected vehicles is that they are able to share data between themselves in real-time. For example, the scene of an accident or road work encountered by a vehicle can be immediately shared with vehicles it is connected to. Thus vehicles may learn about accidents or road work well in advance so as to enable them to make smart decisions and establish alternate routes to their destinations.

Standards are evolving to enable cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X). For instance, 3GPP has developed LTE-V2X and 5G-V2X in Releases 14, 15, and 16. This workshop will explore the impact of 5G, 6G and beyond on connected and autonomous vehicles.


  • 08:30 am – 09:00 am – Participants arrive; refreshments
  • 09:00 am – 09:10 am – Introduction to the workshop and participants– Dr. Seshadri Mohan, Chair of Connected Vehicles Working Group – WWRF
  • 09:10 am – 09:20 am – Introduction to WWRF, Dr. Nigel Jefferies, Chair WWRF
  • 09:20 am – 09:35 am – Opening Remarks and CAV at University of Ottawa – Dr. Sylvain Charbonneau, Vice-President Research and Innovation, University of Ottawa
  • 09:25 am – 10:05 – AI-enabled Autonomous Vehicles-Driven Services for Secure, Sustainable and Healthy Communities – Burak Kantarci, Director, Smart Connected Vehicles Innovation (SCVI) Centre with Ottawa University, Canada
  • 10:05 am – 10:35 am – 5G & Cybersecurity in Vehicles: Challenges & pportunities – Ravi Puvvala, CEO, Founder and CEO of Savari (a Silicon Valley startup now acquired by Harman International),

10:35 am 10:50 am Coffee Break

  • 10:50 am – 11:20 am Safety of Vulnerable Roadside Users – Dr. Klaus David, Kassel University, Germany
  • 11:20 am – 11:50 am – Database issues related to Connected Vehicles – Dr. Andre Burgess, NPL, UK,
  • 11:50 am – 12:20 pm – Architecture of Autonomous Systems – Vishnu Ram, OV, TSDSI, India

12:20 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch

  • 01:00 pm – 01:30 pm – Automotive Joint Sensing and Communications: Enhancing ADAS with Communications – DrBhavani Shankar, University of Luxembourg,
  • 01:30 pm – 02:00 pm – Mahbubul Alam, Chief Marketing Officer & Chief Business Development Officer at Dimaag-AI, topic TBD
  • 02:00 pm – 02:30 pm – AI/Machine LearningEnabled Connected Vehicles –Dr. Seshadri Mohan, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

02:30 pm – 02:45 pm – Coffee Break

  • 02:45 pm – 04:00 pm – PANEL on the Impact of 5G, 6G, and Beyond on Connected Vehicles

The panel of speakers from this workshop will further explore the theme with participation by the audience.

Organising Committee:

Prof. Seshadri Mohan and Dr Nigel Jefferies

9th May 2022 - "The role of next generation communication systems in rural medicine: From 5G to 6G challenges and opportunities."

The Wireless World Research Forum ( is proud to announce that, in conjunction with our 8th Huddle event on May 10th & 11th, 2022 (, we are holding the Workshop, The role of next generation communication systems in rural medicine: From 5G to 6G challenges and opportunities, organized by our vertical industry platform VIP 5G E/M Health & Wearables. This event will take place in Ottawa, Canada on 9th of May 2022.


e-Health services are in need of continuous development to cope with the increase in aging population and reduction in available resources. Advancement in technology has been an important factor in such development of the e-Health services delivery. Advanced technologies such as 5G and beyond, AI and Machine-Learning will play an important role in the efficient and effective delivery of such services. While the 5G technology is in place, the challenge to bring the 5G into services, communities and business remains huge. At a time when spending on public services has never been under greater scrutiny, 5G will allow organisations related to health sector to utilise new services to improve efficiency, productivity and to save money in the long term, helping to automate processes otherwise taking up large proportions of budget and time. At the same time the engagement of these technologies in patient care have the ability to significantly improve care and even in emergency situations save patients’ lives. It is becoming apparent, 5G technology presents an opportunity to transform e-Health services, enabling them to share a much wider range of communications data including video. Furthermore, machine learning applications related on scene and video analysis, augmented reality for training and information sharing are technologies that will benefit from 5G networks providing improved and real time solutions. This will have a significant impact on effectiveness and efficiency of the related service delivery. This workshop will bring together technologists, researchers, medical professionals, policy makers and government to debate on the use of advances technologies in support of healthcare systems in local, rural and remote communities. These experts will discuss the current challenges in healthcare provision and plans in place for these communities.


08:30 – 08:45 Welcome by Cindy Fedell

08:45 – 09:00 Introduction to the WWRF EMW WG by Dr Costas Danas

Rural Medicine Overview

09:00 – 09:30 “Working as a doctor in rural communities” (TBC), Dr. Lisa Habermehl – Rural GP, Red Lake area

09:30 – 10:00 “Policy & regulatory framework” (TBC), David Newman – Vice President, Ontario Health North

10:00 – 10:30 “Update on the current technology for healthcare”, Dr Arslan Usman, Kingston University, London, UK

10:30 – 10:45 COFFEE BREAK

Technology Challenges and Opportunities

10:45 – 11:15 “Telecommunication in areas without roads” (TBC), Nicole or David Brown, COO & CEO, FSET

Technology Focus

11:15 – 11:45 Industry Speaker (TBC)

11:45 – 12:15 Dan Cunliffe, CEO, Pangea Connected, London, UK (TBC)

12:15 – 12:45 LUNCH BREAK

Medical Focus

12:45 – 13:15 Prof Nikolaos Grigoriades (or Christos Bakirtzis) (MD), Director of Neurology Clinic, AHEPA Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece (TBC)

13:15 – 13:45 “NHS policy for local communities in the UK”, Dr John Chang (MD), Croydon University Hospital, London, UK

13:45 – 14:15 “WHO related workshop” (TBC), Dr Kremlin Wickramasinghe (MD), WHO and University of Copenhagen, Denmark

14:15 – 14:45 “Translational Problem Oriented Medical Record (QL4POMR)” (TBC), Dr Arnold Kim, Dr Sabah Mohammed, Dr Jinan Fiaidhii Lakehead University

Round Table

14:45 – 16:00 Open discussion for the 2nd white paper and collaboration on EU/ Canadian projects

Coffee and Networking to follow

22 April 2021 - THz Waves: Fast Lane Journey to 6G
Organizer:  Angeliki Alexiou, University of Piraeus, [email protected] Motivation, Background and Scope While the wireless world is moving towards the 5G era and many technological advances have been proposed, there seem to be significant limitations in the capability to efficiently and flexibly handle the massive amount of QoS/QoE-oriented data that will be exchanged in a future Big-Data-driven society along with the super-high data rate and almost zero latency requirements. Thus, wireless Tbit/s communications and the supporting backhaul network infrastructure are expected to become the main technology trend within the next ten years and beyond. Terahertz (THz) transmission as a wireless backhaul extension of the optical fiber is an important building block to close this gap and guarantee high-speed internet access everywhere beyond 5G. Moreover, the increasing number of mobile and fixed users in the private sector as well as in the industry and the service sector will require hundreds of Gbit/s in the communication to or between cell towers (backhaul) or between cell towers and remote radio heads (fronthaul). Furthermore, new challenging Tbit/s connectivity scenarios are becoming ever more relevant for systems beyond 5G, including: NLOS connectivity based on metasurfaces with the capability to dynamically reconfigure so to track slowly moving users and Ad hoc connectivity in fast moving network topologies, e.g., based on drones or V2X links. In such scenarios, apart from the high data rates in the order of Tbit/s other critical parameters are range, reliability, adaptability and agility. Together with extraordinary promises, THz communications bring unique and novel challenges that require rethinking classic communications and networking mechanisms. The root cause for these challenges is the ultra-wideband and extremely directional nature of THz communications links. Other peculiarities of THz communications include signal and antenna design, channel, and interference modeling. The fundamentally different structure of the interference, due to narrow beams, calls for thorough investigation and detailed modelling of interference. In these propagation and channel modelling studies, the contributions of line-of-sight (LoS), non-line-of-sight (NLoS), reflected and scattered components, as well as molecular noise and the blocking probabilities inherent in such high frequency regimes need to be taken into account. Medium access control (MAC) and radio resource management (RRM) protocols now must operate with pencil beams and thus have to be based on completely new principles. Fast handover procedures need to include the time required for discovery, localization and tracking functionalities. The Tbits/s data rates create significant challenges for the transceiver processing including algorithm and architecture design as well as hardware implementation. Motivated by the potential of THz technologies to transform the future of ICT, this workshop aimed reveal and discuss the critical technology gaps as well as the appropriate enablers, in terms of baseband processing RF frontend, channel models and waveforms, signals and coding, beam-patterns and medium access control schemes. Most importantly, this workshop attempted to shed some light on the potential accelerators or showstoppers in the adoption of THz as a major 6G wireless technology. Agenda (22 April 2021, CET) 13.00 – 13.10     Welcome and Introduction Angeliki Alexiou, WWRF 13.10 – 13.40     Potential of THz Communications towards 6G Gunes Karabulut-Kurt, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada 13.40 – 14.10     Characterisation of emitters and detectors for THz wireless links Mira Naftaly, National Physical Laboratory, UK 14.10 – 14.40     Channel Estimation and Spectral Efficiency of Reflecting Intelligent Surface Aided Communications Markku Juntti, University of Oulu, Finland 14.40 – 15.10     Experimental Demonstrations of High-Capacity THz-Wireless Transmission Systems for Beyond 5G Robert Elschner, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany 15.10 – 15.40     Towards internet of everything: THz wireless networks for next generation compute platforms Akshay Jain and Sergi Abadal, UPC, Spain 15.40 – 16.00     Conclusions and Wrap up
20 October 2020 - Joint Greenbizz/WWRF Workshop