Upcoming Events
Who We Are
The Wireless World Research Forum is the place where the global wireless research community meets to explore and develop the research challenges that confront us as we look beyond current 5G deployments. On the newly launched WWRF website, you can find out more about our current, future and past activities. This includes important information on upcoming events and special workshops. The ongoing effort to roll out 5G technologies, and the ongoing debate on how to meet the requirements of the various vertical industries that will make use of 5G are also being studied, with WWRF members closely involved in all these discussions, and publications such as our Outlook series are a good guide to them. But the mission of WWRF is to look beyond current technology and businesses to identify the key research trends that will impact our world in the next 5-10 years.
With over 50 members from across 4 continents, WWRF brings together a wide range of industry and academic players, and has a particular focus on the contribution of newly emerging market sectors and developing regions. As an example, the Vertical Industry Platform (VIP) programme of working groups focuses on vertical industry requirements, including business models, connected vehicles, ehealth, rail networks and the water industry, while new technical working groups have been set up to address key technology questions, such as the use of higher frequencies above 5GHz and the impact of AI technologies on communication networks. Lots of results and information from our most recent events are available, and, of course, the website also contains all the required information for prospective members, including application forms and details of membership fees and benefits.
New Steering Board Member
WWRF is pleased to welcome Thabisa Faye of ICASA as...
Professor Tony Quek honored by IIT Bombay
IT Bombay has honoured Professor Tony Quek, a WWRF Member,...
WWRF-TSDSI joint Workshop on “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)”
WWRF-TSDSI joint Workshop on “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)” 17 September...
2024 Edition of the ITU Radio Regulations
Entering into force on 1 January 2025, the 2024 Edition...
WRC2023-Final Acts
The Final Acts WRC-23 constitute a record of the decisions...
WWRF at a CTO Event
The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) hosted a Digital Week in...
WWRF DigiTel Health VIP WG Workshop
WWRF Digi–Tel Health VIP WG Workshop Proposal Accepted by IEEE...
Outlook 33: WWRF Contributions Towards IMT-2030
Outlook 33: WWRF Contributions Towards IMT-2030 With the evolution of...
WWRF Chairman's 2024 Review & Outlook
Dear WWRF Members,
With political and economic turbulence continuing unabated, these are difficult times to persuade people to invest in new and untried technology, but many realize that such investment in research and innovation now is crucial to our future prosperity. The next generation of mobile communications is becoming more clearly defined, and the key technologies need to be up to the job. The mantra we are hearing from the ITU’s IMT-2030 Framework: ‘Ubiquity, Intelligence, Sustainability’ captures the challenges aptly. We are pleased that through the initiatives we have taken, more researchers are able to be part of the WWRF family, particularly from developing regions, which will enable their voices to be better heard.