The Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) is open to all interested parties who meet the application conditions of our Articles of Association . To become a member of the forum, please complete the form at the end of this page. The completed form will be automatically sent to the secretariat of WWRF. The applicant (whether individual or organisation) will become a WWRF Member on acceptance of the application by the WWRF Steering Board/General Assembly. 

Why Join WWRF

Benefits for Members

The Forum is unique in bringing together industry and academia from across the globe, with a strong focus on emerging economies. Members discuss how new insights will affect network implementation, services, applications and value chains in the future. It provides a unique networking opportunity, and it is strongly urged to become a part of it!

      • Access to members’ areas of the website, including meeting documents that are not yet published and working versions of forthcoming publications
      • Early information on WWRF and related activities, including a regular newsletter
      • Discounted registration at WWRF meetings
      • Academic members get one free registration at each WWRF meeting
      • Priority for student travel grants
      • Possibility to stand for election to executive positions and to participate in the General Assembly
      • Significant discount for books published by WWRF
      • Opportunity to nominate candidates for WWRF Fellow
      • Possibilty to write a book to be published by WWRF
      • Participate in the Vision Committee

Additional Benefits for Sponsor Members

    • Have a seat on our Steering Board
    • Are guaranteed prominent use of their brand at all WWRF meetings and on all forum publications
    • Exhibition stands at WWRF meeting and promotional material in meeting bags

Four different member categories are available, three for organisations (either sponsor, full or associate) and one for individuals:

Sponsor Members

Annual Fee: 12,000 Euro

One membership may be used to represent multiple affiliate companies within a group

Full Members

Annual Fee: 1,200 Euro

One membership may be used to represent multiple affiliate companies within a group

Associate Membership

Annual Fee: 250 Euro

Available only for small companies (50 employees or fewer) or for organisations whose core business is not in wireless communications

Individual Membership

Annual Fee: 100 Euro

Available for qualified individuals. For further details, please refer to article 4.2 of WWRF Articles of Association.

Meeting participation costs will be additional to the membership fee. More information will be given in connection to every meeting

Provisional Membership

Annual Fee: Free ( for 2 Years)

Open to all academic organizations from developing countries, as defined by the UN. Members in this category pay no fees for first two years of membership. After two years, they have the option to convert to Full Member. Provisional members have all the rights and benefits of Full Members except free of charge participation in WWRF meetings.

Please refer to WWRF Articles of Association for more information. 


I apply as a qualified individual or an authorised person of the Applicant Organisation mentioned above, for membership of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), and further declare that the Applicant: agrees to respect all legal provisions and statutes concerning the WWRF as described in the Articles of Association – the document originally signed on August 14th, 2001 and modified there after as indicated on the title page of the version available on the WWRF homepage: The Applicant or its representative(s) named above shall be the official contact person(s) for receiving formal notices, voting papers, and invoices. It shall become a member of the WWRF upon payment of membership fees after the acceptance of this application by the General Assembly.

If you have any question please contact our secretary Vinod Kumar at [email protected] or  [email protected]